Since 1988, Smithport Cabinetry has established a legacy of building quality cabinetry at a reasonable price. We are proud to build our products in America with American products and are committed to environmentally sound practices for the benefit of our employees and customers.
Smithport Cabinetry has received the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association Environmental Stewardship Certification. Our certification demonstrates our commitment to established environmental policies, improving waste management, “green” purchasing policies, recycling and community relations.
The State of Tennessee has some of the most stringent air quality controls in the country. We are committed to operating in compliance with all federal, state and local environmental laws.
All of Smithport’s standard materials are certified CARB II (California Air Resource Board) compliant and certified NAUF (No Added Urea Formaldehyde).
Smithport's topcoats and sealers are low VOC and HAPs compliant.
We understand that the future of our natural resources and the quality of life they afford are dependent upon how we do business today. We remain mindful of the impact of our actions on the environment and our community.